BRAVING is our *brand new* online course created just for you!
braving the unknown, challenging, everyday moments of life with courage, confidence & compassion.
You no longer have to wait for our workshop near you, we are coming straight to your screens.
“Grab your favourite snacks and let’s imagine we are sitting across from each other sharing the journey together. I’d love to unpack with you some of the helpful lessons I’ve learnt along the way in this journey of choosing REAL. ”
It takes a lot of bravery and courage to BE YOURSELF in a world telling you who you’re not and who you should be.
It takes a lot of bravery to BE KIND in a world full of hurting people hurting people.
It takes a lot of bravery to EMBRACE DIFFERENCES and CELEBRATE EACH OTHER instead of comparing and competing.
It takes a lot of bravery to scroll through the perfected images on social media without feeling like there’s something wrong or missing with us.
It takes a lot of bravery to resist all the lies and messages of NOT ENOUGH coming at us everyday and embrace the truth that who we are, is MORE THAN ENOUGH.
But you have what it takes to brave the unknown, challenging, everyday moments of life. And we want to help equip and empower YOU IN EVERY STEP YOU TAKE!
The acronym BRAVING breaks down into 7 guides to help us:
B – I BELONG and am ACCEPTED right here, right now
R – I take RESPONSIBILITY – I am a powerful person and can choose
A – ASSUMPTIONS KILL – I will not make up unhelpful stories
V – VIEW – How am I seeing myself and others? Look for the good
I – I have IMMEASURABLE WORTH that can never be taken away
N – We all have NEEDS so let’s have COMPASSION
G – GRACE – I am wrapped in endless grace
What's included:
Video Sessions of the 7 core BRAVING Guides
Audio Sessions of the 7 core BRAVING Guides (choose what engagement works best for you - watch, read, listen or all)
Workbooks of the 7 core BRAVING Guides - including notes, quotes and tangible tool sheets
Bonus Guide - Compassionate Curiosity and the Gift of Validation (Video + Audio + Workbook)
Guide Posters
Quote Posters
Reminder Cards
Instant access + downloadable
We hope that through this practical course you will come to see how all along, you’ve been braving and blooming right where you are, and have tangible tools to help you move through each step of life with courage, confidence and compassion. Through it all, you are more than enough!