The Girl With Sparkle - Hannah

What does being REAL look like for you? 

Being REAL looks like existing. It’s dressing the way you want, talking the way you want, and smiling as big as you want without worrying about others opinions.


What's stopping you? Or what used to stop you and how did you break free?

The people who make little comments about how I look or talk or smile are the ones who have always kept me from being myself. Unfortunately I’ll never make everyone happy, but that’s okay! What’s most important is to be happy with myself as I am the one person I’ll never be able to get away from.


What advice would you give your younger self? 

To my freshman self: Just eat the cookie. Don’t mope around all day wanting a sweet. You are eventually going to break and eat that cookie, and then feel bad about yourself. Instead, eat the cookie, and then exercise! This isn’t about losing weight; it’s about feeling confident in who you are, and being able to have one less problem on your plate. Exercising will make you feel healthier, smarter, and fresher everyday. You won’t regret it!

Hannah Richardson

About Me: My name is Hannah Richardson, I’m 15-years old, and I’m a singer-songwriter from Pennsylvania. These past few years have been amazing, and I’ve been blessed enough to sing in over 450 live performances, traveling across the United States performing songs from my albums and inspiring people to be the best they can be :)
