You have the power to choose what you focus on. And what you focus on is what you experience.

We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can choose our attitude, how we see things, how we respond and act, how we treat ourselves and others, what we say or choose to believe.

We all have the ability to design our lives, based upon the choices we make and the way we choose to respond to situations. When things are hard, let’s choose what helps us through. Sometimes the greatest choice we can make is asking for help. This shows strength not weakness.

This Design Project involves making decorations for our rooms, which contain helpful advice, encouragements and reminders of who we are, that we want to choose to focus on to flourish in life and help us overcome our difficulties.

When things are hard, we don’t always remember the good or know what’s best for us. This project helps us have encouragements and reminders ready to go to empower us when we are feeling low or lost.

We need to remember who we are, for we are already overcomers and the world needs the unique gift that we bring. We can use these amazing strengths to help ourselves too.

Even in dark times, there is always light. We can choose to look for the light, look for the good - it is around us and within us. We can remind ourselves of what matters to us, speak words of life, and be our own cheerleader and advocate.


Step by step video of Design Project 3




  • What are some things you think teenage girls struggle with?

  • What advice would they give someone struggling with that?

  • What is a difficulty or struggle that you have overcome?

  • What are some powerful choices that you can make everyday? (Your attitude, how you see things / perspective, what you focus on, how you respond and act, how you treat others and ourself, what you say, what you believe, asking for help etc)

  • What are some helpful ways you can frame difficult situations?

  • How does asking for help show strength?

  • What is something you are really good at?

  • What is some helpful advice you’ve heard before? How can you put that into action?

  • What are 3 qualities you admire about yourself?

  • What are 3 things you’re thankful for?

  • What positive messages will you write on your shapes? Suggestions: they could include advice you’ve discussed, encouragements people have given them, their positive qualities, or encouraging notes from the List of Encouragements or anything that will build them up.

  • How can you look for the light or look for the good in everyday or when things are hard?

  • How can you encourage yourself and be your own cheerleader when things are hard?

  • What’s a positive choice you’ve made lately? Let’s celebrate.

  • What is something positive you want to remember about yourself when things are hard?