Women Give Advice To Their Younger Selves.
"What does 'hey' even mean? Why do boys get 'think outside the box', 'live your adventures', 'go after your dreams' and girls are just expected to look pretty. It's not ok".
Embrace Who You ARe | Ed Sheeran. "Being weird is a wonderful thing".
We really don't know what's going on under the surface for people. Let's not be those who judge others, but learn to fully embrace ourselves (imperfections and all) and embrace those around us too.
"You are not alone. Don't let go of faith. On the other side of your pain, something good will come from it." - The Rock
Brené Brown | The most compassionate people, are also the people with the best boundaries... Boundaries = what's ok and what's not ok.
It's so good to uplift and encourage each other... And even better when compliments are deeper than the surface. Here's a few... Who can you uplift today?