A Recovering People Pleaser - Larrisa

What does being REAL look like for you? 

The words that come to mind are authentic and integrity. It's the idea that who you are on the inside, your divine design, is translated to how you live externally. The world is craving I think for people, leaders and peers to bring their true selves to the table. It is the most courageous of all paths but it is also the only way to find your unique flow and stride. It is the way that we bring transformation and significant contribution to a hurting world. It is where healing, true friendship and most importantly a real relationship with our heavenly Father can be found. "Be the real you... everyone else is taken."

What's stopping you? Or what use to stop you and how did you break free?

Oh I am most definitely a recovering people pleaser! Comparison being my drug of choice for sure. What will people think of me if I am different, if I contribute to the discussion from my own point of view how will I be treated? Was I good enough to be in the team or leading the team just as I was? All of this internal dialogue kept me bound and second guessing for a long time. Looking back now I just think what a waste of precious energy!

What advice would you give your younger self? 

You were created to bring your own unique flavour to the world. It won't always be the right point of view but stay teachable and authentic to your inner world and you will find your feet. Find people that you can be yourself around and they will help you discover the depths of your divine design. it will be an adventure with mountains top experiences and valleys to walk through but trust it is YOU at your most raw that God has called. And remember as you search  it is only in you getting to know your Creator and who He is that you will discover who you are and what you have been fashioned and formed to do in the world. And always have an attitude of adventure!

Larrisa De Michiel - Personal Development and Freedom Coach


I get super pumped about seeing women find their freedom and their stride whilst experiencing life in its magnificent abundance!