What would you tell yourself? What would you do now? How can you make a difference for someone else? Who do you need to be now? Who can you encourage and stand alongside? x
Be who you needed / who you wish you had, right now for yourself and for those around you.
That is why I am so passionate about what I do - I didn't have someone when I was a teen (outside my family) to reach down and help lift me up, to constantly speak worth and value over my life, to remind me of who I really am, to encourage me, to tell me this won't last forever, to bring truth to all the lies I was believing, to know that I belonged, that I was loved and more than enough. To journey with me.
How different life could have been back then, but I don't regret and wouldn't change a thing, because my experiences have given me the empathy, compassion and drive to make a difference for others. To take a stand for them. To speak words of life everyday. To empower them to know and be content and confident in who they really are. To be brave. Be you. Be free. For girls and women everywhere, and for myself. I am still on the journey, but reminding myself everyday of who I really am, being my own encourager and cheer squad. And you can too. We don't need to rely on others to make us feel good. We can choose right now in this moment. We're all in this together. So grateful to journey with you x