
Each Season Produces What is Needed for the Next

Each Season Produces What is Needed for the Next

Last year, I was really struggling in a season of continually pain, loss and grief. I turned to the seasons of nature to see if I could learn anything to help me thrive in the season I was in. Oh yes! ⁠

What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

🌻 What is the best gift 🎁 I can give myself in this chapter 📖 of my life? ⁠Maybe it’s permission to rest, to play, to see the good, to grieve, to slow down, to be courageous, to focus on your health, to take a risk, to give yourself grace, to invest time in something you love…⁠

When You Have Nothing Left

When You Have Nothing Left

Feeling burnout, exhausted, unmotivated? You’re not alone. It’s normal, here’s why...
So many of us have just kept pushing through, until eventually, we run out of “surge capacity” - a series of adaptive systems we draw on for SHORT TERM SURVIVAL in acutely stressful situations, such as natural disasters.

Making Art out of What is Broken

Making Art out of What is Broken

Have you heard of kintsugi? It’s the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. This process beautifies the breakage and treats it as an important part of the object’s history, therefore valuing fractures instead of disguising them or glossing over them. The process typically results in something far more beautiful and stronger than the original.

The Voices we Listen to

The Voices we Listen to

We’ve got to be really selective about what voices we listen to and hold onto. Not just rejecting the negative ones, but sometimes people are trying to help with their advice and opinion and it’s totally ok to thank them but know that it’s just an opinion, and you need to listen louder to the still quiet voice within.

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your worth is NOT in what you do. You are valuable and worthy even if you never did another thing. You are allowed to rest. In fact, you cannot keep going without slowing down regularly. You don’t have endless resources, you need to pace yourself and refill. Taking to myself here.

How We Respond to Pain

How We Respond to Pain

In my experience, it is the hardest, darkest, most unwanted experiences that I’ve grown the most from (not always in the moment), that have propelled me into my purpose, that have opened opportunities I could never imagine, that give me tools to help others more than anything else.