There is soo much more to us than looks. Here’s 50 compliments that go deeper. Who can you encourage today...
Being a Little Different
Success is a Series of Small Wins
Being Courageous & Real Inspires Others
You Are Amazing
No matter what life throws at you this week, remember you are strong, courageous and capable of amazing things. But it's not about what you do, it's about who you are becoming. Let that be the focus this week.
What attitude do you want to take into this week? What perspective? What do you want to focus on? Who do you choose to be? How do you choose to see yourself? As amazing and more than enough? We hope so! You get to choose.
Choose what empowers you. You can be your own cheer squad or worst enemy. Let's speak words of life over ourselves and others today, let's call out who we really are, let's see the best not the worst, let speak into our potential, let's be kind and give ourselves and others grace. Let's remember, we are all unique and more than enough.
Often we need reminding, so don't wait for someone else to. Be the encouragement you need - write it down, repeat it over and over, put a post-it on the mirror, in your diary, wherever you look regularly. We all need reminding sometimes. Let's take the first step x
You Can Be A World Changer
"People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world.
People who want to make a difference get frustrated along the way. But if they have a particularly stressful day, they don’t quit. They keep going. Given their accomplishments, most of them are shockingly normal and the way they spend each day can be quite mundane. They don’t teach grand lessons that suddenly enlighten entire communities; they teach small lessons that can bring incremental improvement to one man or woman, boy or girl. They don’t do anything to CALL attention to themselves, they simply PAY attention to the everyday needs of others, even if it’s only one person. They bring change in ways most people will never read about or applaud. And because of the way these world-changers are wired, they wouldn’t think of living their lives any other way" - Beth Clark, Kisses From Katie.
We can ALL change the world for those around us, one impact, one life at a time. It doesn't need to be huge and grand, but small, individual moments of caring, supporting, meeting needs, bringing joy, welcoming, sharing, listening, including, celebrating, and simply just being there. Although they may be smaller actions, they could be the greatest gift for someone else.
Who's world can you change today? YOU can be a world-changer x
Excuses or Discipline
We can make an excuse for everything. But do we want our lives to be a series of excuses or of actions, exciting experiences, growth, goals achieved, habits changed, adventures, living life to the full? You are strong. Your excuses can be strong too. But you get to choose who wins.
Recently I heard a definition of DISCIPLINE that really helped >> Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST.
The short-term pay off OR the long-term prize.
The short-term pay off (instant pleasure / desire, temporary comfort, wants etc) OR the long-term prize (lasting change, deeper desire, growth, maturity, lasting pleasure, joy, peace, health etc). xo
We get to choose the pain. The pain of discipline now or the pain of excuses, consequences and regret later. We get to choose which pain we embrace
Yes it can be painful to not give in to excuses - it's tough! It can feel more comfortable, easy and safe to make excuses. But stepping out, being disciplined, taking risks, making changes may feel painful/challenging to start but well worth it.
So lovely friend, what will you CHOOSE? We're standing with you and cheering you on. We've all got excuses and things we need to be disciplined in. Let's do this together.
What excuses do you hear yourself repeating? What excuses do you want to let go of? What do you need to be disciplined in? You are strong enough. You are not alone x
💜Ruth x
Go Girl!
Go girl! Let's REBEL AGAINST our culture's unrealistic expectations of perfectionism, comparison and the constant messages of NOT ENOUGH.
Let's be our own kind of TREND SETTERS. Those who define our own worth - not based on how others see us, but because we are loved, we belong, and we are more than enough, just as we are (all always true, not matter how we feel). Those who embrace and celebrate our REAL identity and value. Those who CHOOSE the life we want to live. Those who accept ourselves and others. Those who celebrate and support others to be all they can be. Those who stand up for those who can't, for what they believe in and are passionate about. Those who chase THEIR dreams. Those who live without fear of others opinions. Those who look for beauty in everything. Those who build up not tear down. Those who embrace not exclude. Those who love not hate. Those just like you, the REAL you.
Remember, this is a daily journey. Step by step. Yes we fall. Yes we find ourselves camouflaged in our culture's norms. Yes we forget our worth. Yes we can crumple under the pressure. Yes we don't always get it right. And that's ok. That's part of the journey. Be kind to yourself as you figure it out.
>> How do/can you rebel against our culture's pressures? You go girl! We salute you 🎉👌💙😍💜👊💃.
💜Ruth x
Note to Self: I CAN
Oh yes you can girl! Don't let "I can't!" be a part of your vocabulary. You can do so much more than you know. Give things a go, take risks, learn from mistakes, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help... A lot of the time we can't do things straight away, and that's normal. But the more we practice, the more we keep going, eventually we look back and say, "wow, I thought this was too hard at the time, but I did it!!!" x
- What's something you can look back on and say, "I did it!"? We'd love to celebrate with you
- What's something you regularly find yourself saying "I can't!" about? Let's get clear about what these are so we can look out for them next time and snip off that T >> I CAN!
We believe in you x
💜Ruth + ChooseREAL Team x
Sharing the Journey Together
Hey lovely, how's your week been? Thinking of you x
Mines been a bit up and down with sickness, extreme exhaustion, feeling unproductive, at times overwhelmed, giving into some discouraging thoughts - yep even after I wrote that post!! So then feeling hard on myself and needing to stop, be kind and speak the truth over my life - still learning with you.
This week has also had some big wins, meeting amazing people who are generously supporting the vision of this movement and standing with us, hearing incredible stories, eating food (always a plus haha), having a wonderful team to help organize our beautiful merch and resources (their hearts inspire me), and last night I ran a workshop with some beautiful girls - all unique with so much gold to share with those around them.
THIS is what I love doing - investing into their potential, peeling back the layers of limiting beliefs and self-talk that have distorted their REAL identity and worth and empowering them to see what was always there - they are whole, complete, not lacking, worthy and more than enough, just as they are! Seeing their transformation gives me the fire to keep going, to kick those audacious goals I've set to give this freedom, hope and courage to ALL girls and women everywhere. Haha, got a little carried away with that last point - just so incredibly passionate about this and LOVE journeying alongside girls and women in this message.
So why did I tell you about my week? Because we're friends. Because I wanted you to feel comfortable to share about yours. Because we're all here for each other and our story is worth sharing - no matter what chapter.
So share away lovely friend. You never know the impact of simply sharing (for you and others). Love sharing this journey together.
💜Ruth x
📷 from the beautiful @floretflower
Your Passions
Working in schools, I met with Erin, a year 6 girl who told me the popular girls told her she had to change her hair, her clothes AND her personality if she wanted to fit in. This broke my heart, she had no idea how valuable she was and was willing to trade in her REAL identity for what she thought she HAD to be. The saddest part was that she thought this was the only answer. She was about to become a clone to please others, throwing away her own interests, values, talents, goals and dreams.
Unfortunately, this is not a rare story. But this story, fired me up. That is ENOUGH! Our girls have to know their worth and value – not based on how others see them, their past, or what the media says, but because they have always been MORE THAN ENOUGH.
This is how ChooseREAL Campaign was born. I wanted to create a platform to bring freedom around the onslaught of debilitating messages of NOT ENOUGH! Encouraging girls and women to embrace and celebrate their REAL identity and value, and live the life they CHOOSE. Living out the truth that no mater what, we are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as we are.
I am so privilege to share this journey with you as we create a shift in our culture of true acceptance (of ourselves and each other). We love the empowering community we are all creating. Thank you for what you bring.
What fires you up? What are you passionate about? x
Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger
What would you tell yourself? What would you do now? How can you make a difference for someone else? Who do you need to be now? Who can you encourage and stand alongside? x
Be who you needed / who you wish you had, right now for yourself and for those around you.
That is why I am so passionate about what I do - I didn't have someone when I was a teen (outside my family) to reach down and help lift me up, to constantly speak worth and value over my life, to remind me of who I really am, to encourage me, to tell me this won't last forever, to bring truth to all the lies I was believing, to know that I belonged, that I was loved and more than enough. To journey with me.
How different life could have been back then, but I don't regret and wouldn't change a thing, because my experiences have given me the empathy, compassion and drive to make a difference for others. To take a stand for them. To speak words of life everyday. To empower them to know and be content and confident in who they really are. To be brave. Be you. Be free. For girls and women everywhere, and for myself. I am still on the journey, but reminding myself everyday of who I really am, being my own encourager and cheer squad. And you can too. We don't need to rely on others to make us feel good. We can choose right now in this moment. We're all in this together. So grateful to journey with you x
Treasure Within
We all have beautiful treasures within. Rare, unlike anyone else. The best way to discover and develop them is by sharing with others.
Your treasure complements mine! And mine complements yours.
It's not a competition but a collaborative masterpiece... When we bring all our treasures together, my goodness, the world sparkles brightly.
Let's be treasure finders. Not treasure hoarders. Let's be treasure celebrators. Not treasure critics. Let's be treasure sowers, treasure growers, treasure extractors.
We all have many, sometimes we just have to do a little digging to find out what we're really made of. And look past some of the rocks that may be holding people back from revealing their treasures.
Challenges have a way of bringing treasures to the surface / but they can also quench them. Let's use them as opportunities to discover our strengths, perseverance, courage, bravery, vulnerabilities, unique gifts and talents, characteristics, power, dreams, innate worth and value, inner beauty.
Discover and celebrate the treasures in others this week. Share your treasures too.
Image by @micigirls
Our Influence
Loved being amongst thousands of young leaders discovering what it means to MASTER THE LITTLE at the National Young Leaders Day thanks to @halogenaus
Everyone is a leader and influences those around them. Will we influence for the better?
It's all about mastering the little. Small steps, day by day. Practice. Again and again. Things don't usually happen overnight, but overtime.
Little things add up to create BIG things.
Some top tips from the day to master the little: Start where you are. Just choose one little thing to move one step closer to your goal... Not 100 leaps. But one first step. Then another.
Its about daily, consistent choices and actions.
Stay the course. It can get tough, but keep going. Each step counts.
Your daily choices matter.
Be known for integrity - honest and trustworthy character, doing what you say, saying what you mean, doing the right thing.
Know that you are more than you think you are - sometimes we limit ourselves because of how we see or think about ourselves. There's so much more potential and ability in all of us. Sometimes it has to be awakened... Usually discovered in challenges or through continual practice.
Stay brave. Keep trying. Don't give up. Fall down and get back up.
Believe in yourself - you've got this.
What little thing are you wanting to master at the moment? What's your next little step?