Meet Yourself Where You're At

Have you ever stopped to really ask yourself, ‘what’s going on for YOU right now’, ‘what do YOU need in this moment’??

I feel like so many of us are so good at seeing the needs of others, seeing the signs of something’s not right with them, but so often miss the glaring signs of our own internal world crying out for support.

When we get overly emotional or act out, let’s have compassionate awareness for ourselves, pause and ask, what’s bringing this up? What’s triggering this? What do you need?

Maybe boundaries are out of whack, or something’s triggered a deeper wound, or you haven’t had a refreshing break, or expectations are unrealistic, or there’s a lot overwhelming you and you need to write it all down and come up with the next best step...

Let’s meet ourselves in the moment with compassion and understanding (like we would others), and be our own advocate for what we really need.

Maybe all you really need sometimes is just to be seen and known - start with you seeing yourself.

💜Ruth x