
What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

🌻 What is the best gift 🎁 I can give myself in this chapter 📖 of my life? ⁠Maybe it’s permission to rest, to play, to see the good, to grieve, to slow down, to be courageous, to focus on your health, to take a risk, to give yourself grace, to invest time in something you love…⁠

When You Have Nothing Left

When You Have Nothing Left

Feeling burnout, exhausted, unmotivated? You’re not alone. It’s normal, here’s why...
So many of us have just kept pushing through, until eventually, we run out of “surge capacity” - a series of adaptive systems we draw on for SHORT TERM SURVIVAL in acutely stressful situations, such as natural disasters.

Making Art out of What is Broken

Making Art out of What is Broken

Have you heard of kintsugi? It’s the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. This process beautifies the breakage and treats it as an important part of the object’s history, therefore valuing fractures instead of disguising them or glossing over them. The process typically results in something far more beautiful and stronger than the original.

You don't have to have it all together

My friend Nicola said the other day to a group of us on zoom, “you don’t need to thrive right now, just survive. You don’t need to have it all sorted or tick all the boxes, this is all new and challenging and something we’ve never faced before, just take it one day at a time”.

I think sometimes we expect too much of ourselves - like we should know how to deal with something we’ve never faced before, or we should be doing this or not that or start this.

But I think now is the perfect time to really practice grace and kindness.

If you don’t have much capacity or motivation right now, you are not alone. Can I encourage you to give yourself permission not to strive for productivity and pivot, but pause, rest, retreat, refill, slow down. That is a totally valid and helpful response too.

Corona seems to be amplifying many people’s struggles, especially loneliness, fear, comparison, burn out, etc.

Let’s take it one day at a time. Add one extra step each day. We’re all figuring it out on the way.

We need kindness now more than ever - to each other AND ourselves.

👉🏻 What’s one way you can show kindness?

💜Ruth x

📸 @karma_collective

How We Respond to Pain

How We Respond to Pain

In my experience, it is the hardest, darkest, most unwanted experiences that I’ve grown the most from (not always in the moment), that have propelled me into my purpose, that have opened opportunities I could never imagine, that give me tools to help others more than anything else.

Talk To, Not About

Talk To, Not About

How many silly fights would be solved by this simple direction. Really, this is life changing. This is the main thing I hear in schools, “she said this...”, “someone told me she did that...”, “I don’t know why she’s acting like this...”

You Matter

You Matter

To anyone feeling unheard, unseen, unknown, or unworthy... You matter. You may not be noticed by everyone, but the truth is you are deeply known and seen, wrapped in endless grace and love, wanted, delighted in, significant, and more than enough.

Reframing our Perspective

Reframing our Perspective

here’s a few ways you can reframe and get freedom this week... No matter what we go through, we can reframe it and find freedom. We get to choose our focus. We get to choose our perspective.

Don't Forget, You're Human

Don't Forget, You're Human

Who else needs a good cry every now and then to help release all the feels? It’s amazing what really feeling the emotions and pain and overwhelm and confusion can do to help bring healing and release.

Attitudes are Contagious

Attitudes are Contagious

We rub off on people whether we mean to or not. What we do makes an impact. How we act makes an impact. Our attitudes make an impact. Good or bad. And we get to choose what kind of impact we leave.