Instead of waiting for the praise or approval of others - you can get it instantly from you - accepting yourself, knowing you are worthy and belong right here right now, regardless of circumstances.
It Takes Courage to Rest and Play
👌🏻🙌🏻 Who else feels the stain to strive? And the pressure to go go go. But I’ve learnt the hard way that exhaustion DOES NOT prove your passion but that your priorities out of whack.
I used to push till I had nothing left - to the point of getting shingles and then a few years later, adrenal fatigue 🤦♀️ (still struggling with this one).
I was doing it from a place of passion and persistence, just wanting to make a difference in the lives of others...
BUT I wasn’t valuing myself.
I wasn’t seeing that for me to GIVE the best of me, I needed to BE the best of me - and that required REST and prioritising myself too.
There is no shame here.
We’re all figuring out how to give from a place of being full not empty.
And how to forge our own path, instead of following the destructive burnt out path of our culture.
Exhaustion is not something to strive for. It is NOT a badge of success.
Rest and fun are essential to living well. They were not meant to be added luxuries, but core building blocks to a healthy life.
👉🏻 How can you redefine what success looks like?
👉🏻 Are your priorities out of whack? How can you prioritize rest and play in your life?
👉🏻 Have you been neglecting yourself? Remember, we can’t give out of an empty bucket.
Let’s be courageous to go against the grain and live full lives marked with rest and play.
💜Ruth x
Hold Space for Rest
Encouraging Compliments
Compassionate Curiosity
These 2 words have been a GAME-CHANGER for me. You see I am a long-time expert at criticizing and judging myself. Pointing out what’s wrong, slamming myself when I make a mistake, harshly questioning why I did what I did or not allowing me to feel what I feel, “should”ing all over myself... I was trapped in the shame spiral.
Your Thoughts Matter
Redefining Productivity
Meet Yourself Where You're At
The Voices we Listen to
We’ve got to be really selective about what voices we listen to and hold onto. Not just rejecting the negative ones, but sometimes people are trying to help with their advice and opinion and it’s totally ok to thank them but know that it’s just an opinion, and you need to listen louder to the still quiet voice within.