• Make sure everyone feels welcome; offer them refreshments if they don’t already have any (if you have them).
  • Welcome everyone to your ChooseREAL event.  You could briefly share the outline of what’s happening and point out any spaces you may have created (photobooth, stories, food etc).
  • Show our ChooseREAL short film
  • Briefly share the heart behind ChooseREAL (optional – why YOU have joined us).



Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JCPpZcUUbI 

Join us in our ChooseREAL Campaign - encouraging girls to embrace and celebrate their real identity and value. Live the life YOU CHOOSE. We are passionate about making sure every girls knows and lives out the truth that she is loved, valued and more than enough. Just as she is!

Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG1G1_3XM5A

ChooseREAL Script - sharing the Message

Feel free to share any of our story / how our journey began.  And now, you are a part of our story.  Thank you.