
🌻🔥👇 We don’t criticize a flower for each stage of blossoming. No, each stage is so beautiful and unique. Each stage has purpose and leads to the next.

So why do we criticize our own growth?

Just like a flower, some stages are not glamorous, like a seed buried in the dirt and darkness. But in the waiting, the roots are growing deep. When nothing is seen on the surface, the hidden work is creating foundations.

Some are painful, like the seed breaking open and pushing out of the dirt. Breaking off the outer shell that confined it.

Some are small, like the tiny green shoot starting to surface.

Some are noticeable for all to see, like the petals dancing in radiant colours.

Some look like it’s going backwards, like when the flower closes all its petals when the sun goes down.

Some feel like death, like when all the petals fall to the ground, but they are making way for new growth.

So just like we can see the beauty in the different stages of blossoming flowers, let’s embrace and honour each stage of our own blossoming growth.

👉 What blossoming stage relates to where you’re at right now?

💜Ruth x