Instead of waiting for the praise or approval of others - you can get it instantly from you - accepting yourself, knowing you are worthy and belong right here right now, regardless of circumstances.
Each Season Produces What is Needed for the Next
Releasing Emotions
Redefining Productivity
This Season has Purpose
Making Art out of What is Broken
Have you heard of kintsugi? It’s the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. This process beautifies the breakage and treats it as an important part of the object’s history, therefore valuing fractures instead of disguising them or glossing over them. The process typically results in something far more beautiful and stronger than the original.
Discomfort is the Way Home
You will Always have You Around
Your Grief is Valid
The Voices we Listen to
We’ve got to be really selective about what voices we listen to and hold onto. Not just rejecting the negative ones, but sometimes people are trying to help with their advice and opinion and it’s totally ok to thank them but know that it’s just an opinion, and you need to listen louder to the still quiet voice within.