🔥 If getting a result today will negatively affect my well-being tomorrow, then it is not productive. 🤦‍♀️ WOW. Read that again.
In our strive for productivity and performance, if it costs us our peace, our health, our relationships, our mental wellbeing... then that’s not productive and moving forward, it’s actually the opposite.
Let’s reframe what productivity actually means.
It can’t be just reaching a goal no matter the cost. That isn’t productive, that’s damaging.
We are the vessel that gets us to our dreams and goals. But we can’t get there if we burn ourselves out, if we push past what’s good for us, if we don’t take responsibility for looking after ourselves as well as our goals.
👉 So lets have a little review of our priorities. Are you on the list of your priorities? If you want to get through your list, you need to be.
đź’śRuth x
📸 @helloemilie