Be Kind to Yourself

Hey sweets! No matter what you're facing right now, remember, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Whether you feel like you're failing (been there), don't know your next step, heartbroken, struggling to feel ok, overwhelmed, confused, hurting, empty or full... Nothing changes the fact that you have intrinsic worth and value. NOTHING! It's who you are.

So in the midst of whatever you're facing, don't let the circumstances or voices (even your own) lie to you and tell you that you're worthless, hopeless, no one cares. That's not true. We are standing with you wherever you are.

Be kind to yourself in this journey. What's one thing you can do to support SOMEONE ELSE today (helps give you perspective and joy)? A kind word, listen, special delivery, tag them and celebrate who they are... What's one thing you can do to support YOURSELF today? x

Why not share with us and inspire others with ideas.

Cheering you on each step.

💜Ruth x

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