Your words matter. Here’s some helpful ways to practice speaking to ourselves…
Your Thoughts Matter
What Playlist are You Listening To?
The Voices we Listen to
We’ve got to be really selective about what voices we listen to and hold onto. Not just rejecting the negative ones, but sometimes people are trying to help with their advice and opinion and it’s totally ok to thank them but know that it’s just an opinion, and you need to listen louder to the still quiet voice within.
Permission To Be Where You Are
Being Our Own Cheerleader
Replacing Criticism with Compassion
Our Minds are Made for Thinking
Adventuring Upstream
Inner Peace
Things happen. People do and say things. Everyday we are faced with things out of our control. But if we live our lives like a little sail boat crashed by every wave that comes past, pushed by the winds around us, we’ll end up far away from where we set out and feeling like we’re constantly drowning.
Self Talk Can Shape Your Life
Being Yourself
Now that’s true beauty and that’s what the world needs – more of YOU! 🙌🏻 Be Brave. Be YOU. Be Free. Just be yourself – that is the most beautiful version you can be. ⠀
Start today with a fresh goal - today, I will be my self. In this moment, I will be myself - not what I think others want, but who I really am. ⠀
Daily steps of courage. Don't so be hard on yourself when you don't get it right. Learn. Grow. Keep stepping forward. This is a journey and a process.⠀
👉🏻 What is one thing you can do today, to be more true to yourself? ⠀
🙌🏻 Who could you encourage and celebrate their unique beauty? Be a part of their story to embracing who they really are. ⠀
💜Ruth x⠀
Storing Truths
Be Kind to Yourself
No matter what you're facing right now, remember, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Whether you feel like you're failing (been there), don't know your next step, heartbroken, struggling to feel ok, overwhelmed, confused, hurting, empty or full... Nothing changes the fact that you have intrinsic worth and value. NOTHING! It's who you are.
What Are You Speaking Over Yourself
Spring Clean of our Thoughts
Who else feels like this? When there is so much going on, so many things to do, so many things trying to distract our identity, distort our view, grab our attention - good or bad... We can feel on overload, overwhelm, likes there's just too many tabs open in our mind. Sometimes it's really hard to sort through them, to have clarity around even a few, to feel so overwhelmed that we can't even do any of it, don't know where to start.
I've been there for sure! In fact I'm feeling that way right now - just so many things going on that its hard to know where to start, what to focus on, sometimes I'd rather do nothing.
So what can we do when we feel way too many tabs are open? Well like when your computer is slowing down, crashing, force quitting things - and you realize there's too much open, you start closing things down, only leaving open what you need for the moment. Of course your computer can't work efficiently or properly when it's so cluttered. Same with us. Of course you can't expect yourself to feel at peace, to get through things, to make changes when your mind is so cluttered and full.
So let's have a SPRING CLEAN OUT together! One of the best ways is to write your thoughts down - then you can start to categorize them and declutter.
Write down everything you're thinking, what you're worrying about, waiting for, wishing for, needing/wanting to do, plans, goals, fears, struggles, limiting beliefs, self-talk... Get it all out. Whatever comes up, write it down - even simply dot point it.
Then start to sort through it... You can categorize it
- what needs to get thrown out - you can literally throw in the bin
- what is for later - don't need to think about them now - put on a separate list - you can break these down into next week / month / term / year / 2 years etc
- what is urgent AND important - top priorities - feel free to order these too. Also best to write a NEXT STEP ACTION for each
- helpful, encouraging thoughts / self-talk
- anything that doesn't serve you well goes
Let's declutter our brains and focus on the thoughts that inspire and lift us up x
What Makes You Happy
Here's what brain research says will MAKE YOU HAPPY:
1. Ask "What am I grateful for?" If you don't have any answers? Doesn't matter. Just searching helps.
Booster - write down 3 things you're thankful for today.
2. Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brain isn't so bothered by it.
Booster - try and be aware of the emotions you experience today - label them, even if you're not sure what they are, just give them a name, even Bob!
3. Decide. Go for "good enough" instead of "best decision ever made on Earth". o
Booster - make decisions today and take action. Even if you need to change them later, at least you tried and started.
4. Hugs, hugs, hugs. Don't text — touch.
Booster - go interact with people today. Hang out with friends, family, encourage someone.
But also know, it's ok not to always be ok. However you're feeling, let it help you find out what's going on for you, what might need to change, where you might need help. Feelings are good. Just try to let them show you something, instead of letting them rule you. But of course, they are times when we just need help to sort through all the feelings - it's too overwhelming, and that's ok and normal. You're not alone.
Believe In You
We believe in YOU! But do you? Oh girl, I've been there. Thinking I didn't have what it takes, I wasn't enough, I've stuffed up too many times, I don't have what she has, I don't look like her, I've never done that before, I'm not worth it, no one sees me, what have I got to offer... But what we believe about ourselves is vitally important. It will either limit us or empower us.
What are you believing about yourself? What lies have you believed? Let's exchange and replace them with the truth of who you really are. You are valuable, you are worthy, you are strong, you are courageous, you are significant, you are loved, you are capable, you belong... Here's just a few truths about you to get you started.
How is it that we can so often see the worth and significance of those around us, but are blinded to what's in us.
Let's walk into this week knowing who we truly are.
What believes do you need to let go of? What believes do you need to reaffirm?
So grateful to share this journey together x
Your Story Has Purpose
Comparison will rob you of beauty of the season YOU are in, of the unique journey YOU are on, of the courageous steps YOU take, of the big and small wins YOU make, of the story only YOU can tell. We are all on a journey - different paths, different paces, different places. We are all different. And if we compare our chapters, we'll loose the significance and purpose of the pages WE are walking out. Not only will we miss out, but so will everybody else - because no one else has your journey. No one else can tell your story. No one else can encourage others with exactly where you're at. No one else can do you.
So next time we feel tempted to fast forward our story or skip ahead to someone else's, remember your story has purpose. Your story matters. The chapter you are in is yours. No matter where others seem to be up to, your perfectly timed in your chapter. One step at a time.
Have you ever felt inadequate by comparing your chapter with someone else's?
I know I sure have. But no longer.
Note to Self: I CAN
Oh yes you can girl! Don't let "I can't!" be a part of your vocabulary. You can do so much more than you know. Give things a go, take risks, learn from mistakes, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help... A lot of the time we can't do things straight away, and that's normal. But the more we practice, the more we keep going, eventually we look back and say, "wow, I thought this was too hard at the time, but I did it!!!" x
- What's something you can look back on and say, "I did it!"? We'd love to celebrate with you
- What's something you regularly find yourself saying "I can't!" about? Let's get clear about what these are so we can look out for them next time and snip off that T >> I CAN!
We believe in you x
💜Ruth + ChooseREAL Team x