Y O U D E F I N E Y O U. Don't let the labels, the media, the opinions of others, your past define you. You get to choose who you'll become. You get to write your story. You get to name the chapter you're in.
So who do you say you are? Whatever you repeat over your life and focus on is what you'll experience. So make sure your words are building you up.
What's one word you aspire to be more of? Write it where you can constantly see it, repeat it again and again.. I am... and you'll realise its who you really are, you just needed to bring it to the surface, above all the lies telling you who you're not.
So what word are you wanting to speak over your life? How are you going to repeat it over and over again? We'd love to stand with you!
Right now, mine is going to be "I am loved". (So are you!) x
💜Ruth x