Self Talk Can Shape Your Life

Your S E L F T A L K matters and can shape your life.

Are you speaking worth, value, kindness, grace, acceptance, love, understanding, caring, encouragement over your life << OR >> being harsh to yourself, unforgiving, demanding, unkind, unrealistic, critical, pressured.

Self talk check up - today, notice how you speak to yourself (or think) when good things happen, challenges arise, mistakes are made etc... How do you speak to yourself?

Like a loved one or enemy?

SELF ESTEEM BOOSTER - come up with a positive statement and repeat it over your life at least 7 times throughout the day.

E.g. I am capable and strong. I am valuable wherever I go. I have so much to offer and can bring joy to others. I am loved, I belong, and I am enough. I've got this. I am beautiful... Whatever you need to hear. Repeat repeat repeat x

💜Ruth x

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