Things Will Be Brighter

Keep holding on lovely. ✨Light is on its way!✨ It may seem like the clouds ☁️ won’t pass, like you’re stuck in this downpour storm 🌧🌪. But like nature, eventually the clouds part ⛅️ and the sun ☀️ will shine through again.

Then something beautiful emerges - a rainbow, 🌈 shining bright from the water that was always there in the storm.

Something 🌼 beautiful will come out of what you’re facing - it just takes time and the storm merged with light. Not the absence of the storm - there’s something beautiful within the storm, waiting to come out.

👉🏻 So are you feeling stuck in a storm right now? How can you look for little 🌈 rainbow moments of ✨ light - even just a flicker.

This won’t last forever. Can I say that again? This will not last forever.

👉🏻 How can you change your mindset / attitude / actions in the midst of the storm - so you create 🌈 rainbow moments? Being thankful, helping others, seeing every moment as a gift, being intentional with what you CAN control, doing more of what you love, asking for help...

👉🏻 What 🌈 rainbow moment are you going to create today? Let light in x
🙌🏻 Tag a friend to encourage them - you might just create a double rainbow 🌈🌈😂🎉

Standing with you lovely. There’s light all around. Sometimes we just need to shift our focus to see it.

💜Ruth x

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