You Don't Have To Do It All

👇🏻🙌🏻 Breathe lovely. You don’t have to do it all. Or do it all now. Good things take time. One thing at a time. One step at a time.

✨ Release yourself from the pressure to BE everything to everyone and DO everything all at once - it’s an impossible strive.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and reprioritize our expectations.

GETTING PRACTICAL - let’s make a list of all the things we are trying to be and achieve. No wonder we’re overwhelmed, exhausted and finding it hard to cope!!

Now let’s sort this list into categories:

1. BE/DO NOW + IMPORTANT (e.g. mother my kids, look after myself, finish a project that’s due, talk out what’s going on for me...)

2. BE/DO NOW + LESS (e.g. I need to tidy/clean, but maybe I can just do the basics right now or get someone to take that task off me, maybe I need to work at little less or less outings so I can have more space to just breathe...)

3. BE/DO LATER (e.g. this new project I’ve been thinking about, reorganizing the cupboards...)

4. REMOVE (e.g. being responsible for other people’s happiness, controlling other people’s actions/opinions, finding my value in how others see me, having everything perfect...)

You are doing the best you can with what you have.

Let’s give ourselves space to thrive, not overwhelm ourselves so we can’t even do one thing well.

You’re amazing!

💜Ruth x

📸 @ariellevey

23 October 2019.PNG