
When You Have Nothing Left

When You Have Nothing Left

Feeling burnout, exhausted, unmotivated? You’re not alone. It’s normal, here’s why...
So many of us have just kept pushing through, until eventually, we run out of “surge capacity” - a series of adaptive systems we draw on for SHORT TERM SURVIVAL in acutely stressful situations, such as natural disasters.

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your worth is NOT in what you do. You are valuable and worthy even if you never did another thing. You are allowed to rest. In fact, you cannot keep going without slowing down regularly. You don’t have endless resources, you need to pace yourself and refill. Taking to myself here.

Reframing our Perspective

Reframing our Perspective

here’s a few ways you can reframe and get freedom this week... No matter what we go through, we can reframe it and find freedom. We get to choose our focus. We get to choose our perspective.

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming

For those days when the waves just keep coming, when your energy is low and your emotions are high, when you feel like you're sinking or endlessly wading through shallows...

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Things happen. People do and say things. Everyday we are faced with things out of our control. But if we live our lives like a little sail boat crashed by every wave that comes past, pushed by the winds around us, we’ll end up far away from where we set out and feeling like we’re constantly drowning.