Remember lovely, comparison steals what you already have, by wishing it was something else. Then you feel like you’ve got nothing - you don’t have what you’re wishing for and what you do have feels less then.
Don’t let the bright lights and green grass take away what you already have. We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, behind that smile, or neatly stacked books, or cute outfit, or fancy drink.
So often in life, we’re showing people what we want them to see - especially on social media, creating an image we choose to share.
We don’t see how they cried themselves to sleep, the stress they’re under, the pain they’re in, the loss they’re facing, the confusion that’s stopping them, the distractions that derail them, the unknown that scares them, the struggle to simply get out of bed...
That’s been me the last few weeks 👆🏻
Let’s not see what other people choose to show and be fooled to think that we don’t all struggle sometimes.
Life is a rollercoaster. Let’s not compare our downward spiral with their heights. We never know when the next bend is coming.
So let’s look at our hardships with OUR (not other people’s) blessings and remind ourselves that there is still good even if we can’t feel it right now.
If you’re struggling right now, you are not alone x
💜Ruth x