
What Refreshes You

What refreshes you? What energizes you? What brings you joy and satisfaction? Rest and rejuvenation?

We know how easy it is to get caught up in the busyness of life, and forget about ourselves while trying to get through that never ending to-do list, or forgetting our own needs to meet the needs of others, or so focused on the challenges in life that we're left drained and exhausted.

How often to we sit back and relax and prioritize time of refreshment? And see it as just as essential as work?

Here's our CHALLENGE to ourselves and to you:

1. Write a list of all the things that you love doing and that refreshes you / re-energizes you (it could be going for walks, baking, reading, watching the sunset, getting creative, listening to music, playing sport, having tea with friends, journaling, etc)... Find whatever it is for you. If you only know of a few things, that's great, start there and try out new ways to be refreshed that you could add to your list. Remember no comparing, we all find our refreshment in different ways.

2. Do at least one everyday. Yep that's right! Even if it's just 10 minutes or however long you want. Make sure you schedule in time for refreshment everyday - it is so essential to help us keep moving forward from a healthy place. Yes, we know it can be really hard, but let's add it to our appointments like its a meeting with the Queen - we wouldn't be asking to change the times or missing it or being late. Let's make this a priority in our lives. And see how they start to lighten.

What are you going to do today to be refreshed? Share with us x

Background by @nicijoyceministry

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How Full is Your Emotional Tank?

How full is your tank? There are so many things that can drain AND refill our emotional tanks. It's really important that we know what does what, and do more of the things that REFILLS our tanks, especially when we feel empty.
What energizes you? Refreshes you? Boosts your confidence? Helps you feel happy, content, peaceful, loved?
What drains you? Leaves you flat, unmotivated, disappointed, empty, discouraged, exhausted, on edge, overwhelmed, stressed out?
Here are 3 things you can do TODAY to FILL YOUR TANK: • TIME OUT - rest, relax, step back from busyness, stop and breathe, recharge.
E.g. Sit and listen to music, practice mindfulness, have a bubble bath, pray, get even just a few minutes on your own, colour in, go for a walk. • ENJOYMENT - do things you love, recreational activities, fun, favourite hobbies, adventures. Include laughing as much as possible - so good for your mind and body.
E.g. Get out in nature, bake, get creative, read, play board games, dive into a new activity, do sports, hang out with friends. • BE THANKFUL - stop and list of all the things you're thankful for. Say them aloud for an even bigger impact.
What can you do today to fill your emotional tank? Let's go into the week FULL!! Share your ideas with us to encourage others x

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Who Are You Choosing?

Who are you choosing to be today?

Your TRUE beautiful self, or what you think others want you to be? the expectations of others? what our culture dictates we should be? Who you wish you were? Let these go and find so much satisfaction in just being you. It can be hard at first if we've been living to please others for so long, but even just take one step in the right direction. Do something YOU love, get dressed for you - not focused on how others will see you, write a list of all the things YOU value, love, admire - try and spend some time in one of these today, say what you really think, be true to your own opinions / values, accept where you are instead of where you wish you were, celebrate all your unique qualities - knowing these make you who you are (no one else can be you - we need YOU), let go and do that thing you've been wanting to do for ages, just be YOU! Enjoy!! x

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