Honouring the Boundaries

We all need boundaries - they keep us healthy, refilled, compassionate, and loving.
Without boundaries, it’s easy to fall into bitterness, resentment, burn out, fatigue, distrust ++
Boundaries are essential for self-care and caring for others well.

👉🏻 So, what boundaries might you need to put into place or re-erect?

We are finite, we don’t have endless resources to give out, we need space to refill and space from things that are draining or unhelpful.

Remember, boundaries are loving others and yourself well.

Maybe, a boundary could be taking a retreat day, or exercising, or having no technology after a certain time, or limiting the times you see certain people, or work-free times, or doing more of what you love, or journaling... whatever helps fill you up, restore you and help you love others and yourself well.

👉🏻 What’s a boundary you have in place or one you want to set?

We all need boundaries. Maybe now in this weird isolated time is great to consider and set up the healthy boundaries moving forward.

💜Ruth x