Life is like photography - you need the negatives to develop.
Love this! Our challenges, trials, difficulties, struggles, times of waiting, heartbreak... All time take to develop into something beautiful... Character, strength, perspective, new beginnings.
But at the time, they can seem clouded in darkness, empty, no meaning, no light, hopeless, ruined... Just like a blank photo that the negatives haven't yet been developed.
BUT once those negatives have been developed (in darkness) they produce such incredible pictures of beauty... Just like you and me.
So yes! These challenging times are hard, but keep pressing through because what you can create out of it, can be the most beautiful picture of all.
TIPS during these times... keep looking for the light in your circumstances / life (what are you thankful for, what makes you happy - search for these things). Ask yourself, what can I learn through this? Who can I encourage today (it's incredible how taking our focus off our own situation and uplifting someone else can bring such freedom to us). Write down your reflections from the day, what could you do tomorrow to change just one thing? Talk to someone you trust / seek help. Remember that no matter what you're facing, you are more than enough! xx