What are You Speaking Over Your Life

"Let's speak to ourselves the way we speak to our loved ones" - Brene Brown. What words are you speaking over your life and others? Are you building up or tearing down? Are you imparting confidence or stealing it? Are you speaking truth or lies? Are you helping or hindering? Are you rejoicing or rejecting? Are you encouraging or criticizing? Are you speaking life or death/destruction? x

Your words and thoughts have such power. Let's make a conscious effort to speak worth, value, strength, understanding, kindness, encouragement, hope over our own lives and those around us.
What we say to ourselves affects how we connect with others, and what we say to others affects how we relate to ourselves.
So let's use our words to empower ourselves and those around us.
Repeat with us:

I am / you are loved and valued.

I am / you are wanted and belong.

I am / you are strong.

I am / you are capable of amazing things - and capable to face the little constant things too.
I have / you have infinite worth.

I am / you are smart and able to make decisions that empower me.
I am / you are brave.
I have / you have purpose.
I am / you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Everyday as you will be rewiring your thought patterns / brain.
You can also write your own list! Share with us to encourage others and take a stand for yourself. We are standing with you x

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