I know I have! Constantly criticizing, judging harshly, punishing, tearing down. How could we feel confident, when we keep beating ourselves up for being human. What if we were our greatest cheerleader - how different would we feel about ourselves??
It Doesn't Always Work Out, Try Again
Hold onto the Process
Being a Little Different
Good Enough
Comparing Ourselves to Unrealistic Versions of Ourselves
Just Keep Swimming
Being Yourself
Now that’s true beauty and that’s what the world needs – more of YOU! 🙌🏻 Be Brave. Be YOU. Be Free. Just be yourself – that is the most beautiful version you can be. ⠀
Start today with a fresh goal - today, I will be my self. In this moment, I will be myself - not what I think others want, but who I really am. ⠀
Daily steps of courage. Don't so be hard on yourself when you don't get it right. Learn. Grow. Keep stepping forward. This is a journey and a process.⠀
👉🏻 What is one thing you can do today, to be more true to yourself? ⠀
🙌🏻 Who could you encourage and celebrate their unique beauty? Be a part of their story to embracing who they really are. ⠀
💜Ruth x⠀
Dear Stress, Let's Break Up
Seeing the Beauty in Yourself
Beauty Comes in Many Forms
Treasure Hunting
Don't Give Up
There is light. It’s amazing the weight of purpose a tiny seed carries. But to grow, it must fall to the ground, be covered in darkness and wait. Sometimes our most challenging times holds the most amazing growth and new life. The darkness reveals the light we couldn’t see before but has always been there.