Feelings Are Just Visitors

We all feel, but often very differently, and that's ok! There's nothing wrong with feeling, but here's 2 dangers:

'Not feeling' doesn't help - pushing feelings away, thinking it's not ok to feel deeply, bottling it all up - just postpones these feelings and usually makes them worse.
When our emotions are trapped and we haven't given ourselves space to feel and process, the feelings don't just go away, they get trapped deep down, leak toxins and at some stage burst out.

Let the feelings come. And go. And come. And go.
We need to own the feelings so we can let them go.
But letting them take over and stay isn't helpful either.

When we let those feelings consume us, be all we feel and think about, we can feel trapped and unable to see past them.

So we need the balance of really feeling, but then seeking and agreeing with the truth.

For example, a friend hurt you and it's devastating, feel it, grieve it, but then don't let those feelings start lying to you and trapping you - "your worthless, everyone hates you, you'll never get through this..." NO. Feel the pain - let it out, let it go and then partner with truth - "I am still valuable. I am a great friend. I am loved. I will get through this...". x

In the journey with you lovely. How you feeling? x
x💜Ruth x

30 June 2017.PNG