When I Accept Myself

Oh what freedom! I know I used to depend on the acceptance of others... I didn’t always chooseREAL. In high school, I chose to try and be like everyone else. I desperately wanted to fit in. But I couldn't. Because I was trying to be what I thought others wanted, but was always left feeling confused and empty. Even if on the surface it seemed like I fit in, deep down I didn’t feel accepted because I didn’t accept myself. In my mind, I was not enough.

There was NOTHING I could do, nothing I could say, nothing I could change (on the surface) to make me FEEL enough, accepted and happy with myself.

Because what I was waiting for was already within me. I just didn't know it yet.

I had been so focused on comparing, on proving myself, on thinking I needed to fix something, that I was blinded to the infinite worth and value I always had.

It's been a journey and a process. None of these things I used to wish away have changed. It's my perspective and understanding that has.

Understanding that who I am is enough - not based on what I do, how accepted I feel by others, my achievements, my appearance, or how I'm dealing with a current situation. Through it all, I AM ENOUGH.

It's not when... then I'll be enough. It's right now, all of me, just as I am. No matter what. I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH.

And so are you.

What's one small step you can take to accept yourself more? Let go of all the expectations and striving to be what others want. Be who you truly are.

Share one thing you love and admire about yourself! Let's practice accepting ourselves right now x
💜Ruth x

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