Keep Going

What are you fighting for/fighting through right now? We're standing with you. You are not alone. Keep going lovely, one step at a time.

Here's a few quick tips:
- Make sure you have your GOAL/WHY where you can CONSTANTLY SEE IT - the end outcome, what you want, what you're fighting for, WHY you're doing this/pushing through, encouragements to keep you going. Add how you'll feel when you get there - when you break that habit, score that goal, step out, get through this etc.
- TELL a TRUSTED BUDDY what you're going through / going after - accountability and support is key
- LOOK FOR what you're GRATEFUL FOR RIGHT NOW, in this moment, in the middle - perspective can bring you freedom and help you see the blessings instead of all the heart-ache.
- What's just ONE NEXT STEP you can take forward? Do it. Just the one next step.

We don't get it right all the time and that's ok. Learn, start over, keep going, encourage each other. It's a journey lovely x

4 April 2017.PNG