What a perspective! So often we focus on what we don't have, what's missing, our lack (I know I do!)... But what if we focused on all we DO have, on all we CAN do, on who we ALREADY ARE.
And stopped comparing our lives with what we think they "should" be, and just embrace them for what they are, right now. For who we are, right now.
Yes, growth and refinement is great, but not at the cost of loosing out on all the blessings right in front of you, in this season, in this moment.
So as we go into a new week, let's remember that all we're searching for "out there" is already within us - we are already complete and whole and worthy - we just need to believe it. And let's focus on all we do have and can do - we'll see we have so much more to love and cherish and actually our lives are full of blessings if we CHOOSE to look for them. So let's choose lovely.
What is something you have forgotten about or overlooked that you already have?
In this together sweet friend x
💜Ruth x