YOU ARE STRONG. Even though we don't know the pain, the struggle, the insecurity, the heartache, the longing, the tear stained pillows, the disappointment, the waiting, the breakdown, the secret battles we know nothing about - or just don't understand.
Here's something we do know - you are strong - even if you feel weak, there's a fire in you that can't be extinguished.
There's an inner strength that endures and unendurable, that keeps you going even when it all feels impossible. That strength looks different in everyone, but you got it! That strength has enabled you to fight another day, it can empower you to invite others in to your battle and walk it out together.
This battle you're facing will not last forever - although it may feel like it.
This strength allows you to be ok with not always being ok - to allow yourself space to feel, to express, to cry out your heart. And then that strength picks you up and keeps moving.
Your strength is so powerful and allows others to be strong. Empowering them in what you're facing / faced.
Thank you for being strong sweet one. You don't have to carry your battle alone, we're here to share the journey with you x
💜Ruth x