Peace is a great indicator. A guide. A compass. Helping connect our actions and decisions with our inner world.
We might do something to join in with the crowd, to feel accepted, to give something a go, to meet someone new...
But if we start to feel uneasy and unsettled, if we see red flags, if we don’t feel right, if we’ve lost our peace...
We got to ask ourselves WHY?
1. What is it about this that makes me feel this way?
2. Is it genuine concern or irrational fear?
Sometimes things are scary and hard but good for us - we might feel anxious and uneasy, but it’s more fear of the unknown, or worried about the outcome, or the work needed, or grief, rather than complete loss of peace - we usually know deep deep down, I need to do this.
3. If you can’t find inner peace, is it worth continuing?
When our inner peace is compromised, we can often search for it in all the wrong places, instead of addressing the thing that is draining it / blocking it.
👉🏻 So have you lost your inner peace? Why not do a stocktake of your life? What might be costing you your peace?
👉🏻 If you can’t find anything or don’t know where to start, as a trusted friend to help look at your life with you. Often we have blind spots and just can’t see what we do know.
👉🏻 Then courageously make a plan to get your peace back. What do you need to let go, give up, put down, stop, walk away from?
Don’t do this alone. Ask safe people to help you.
💜Ruth x