We Were Created for Work & Rest

Mid-week breather. There is a pace for your race, and that’s where you’ll discover grace.

You don’t need to slog it out, to give all of yourself to making things happen, to be ruled by productivity, perfectionism, profit. To go go go until you collapse in an exhausted pile.

That is not sustainable (been there). That is not life-giving. That is not the goal - to be utterly exhausted and distracted that we can’t even engage in the things that matter most.

We were created for work and REST.
Our body, mind, soul, spirit needs to be refreshed and renewed - regularly and intentionally.
I’m still learning to create space in my week for rest and restoration.
We weren’t meant to just keep going (although I’ve definitely believed this before).

I’m wanting to live in RHYTHMS OF GRACE - a foundational beat of rest, and working FROM rest (not for rest).

Let’s take a moment right now, imagine yourself sitting here with this view. Breathe deeply. Bring yourself back from the past or future and just sit in the presence for a moment.

Let the beat of rest drum in your heart for a moment.

👉🏻 What does your weekly rhythm look like? Do you need to add a foundational beat of regular rest?
👉🏻 Do you work for rest or from rest?
👉🏻 What can you do this week to get refreshed and renewed?
👉🏻 What’s your relationship with rest? Do you need to reframe it as essential, foundational?

I post about rest a lot as it’s something I am still learning and working out. I know how essential it is, but can be hard to translate into actions - these posts are as much a reminder for me as they are for you. I am learning and growing. We’re in it together x

💜Ruth x

📸 Thanks to @alliemtaylor

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