
The Rhythm in Your Life

The Rhythm in Your Life

🌊 I just thought about the waves and how they come in and out - push forward and draw back. ⁠⁠There is this beautiful rhythm that sustains.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Of pushing forward, leaning in, stepping out, being seen, output…⁠⁠ And drawing back, retreating, pulling back to the source, going deep, input…⁠⁠

What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

What Can I give Myself in this Chapter

🌻 What is the best gift 🎁 I can give myself in this chapter 📖 of my life? ⁠Maybe it’s permission to rest, to play, to see the good, to grieve, to slow down, to be courageous, to focus on your health, to take a risk, to give yourself grace, to invest time in something you love…⁠

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your Worth is not What You Do

Your worth is NOT in what you do. You are valuable and worthy even if you never did another thing. You are allowed to rest. In fact, you cannot keep going without slowing down regularly. You don’t have endless resources, you need to pace yourself and refill. Taking to myself here.

Choosing Rest

Choosing Rest

In September I realized I've actually been BURNT OUT all this year. That felt right but sounded like a bit of a shock. I mean so often you hear about burn out being these life shattering stops and breakdowns, but I was still pushing on. However, I've realized burn out can also be a SLOW EROSION.

Better Together

Better Together

“Of all the things I’ve done over the past year, asking for help is one of the things I’m most proud of. I’ve always prided myself on my ability to analyse and unpack stuff, but I can see now how important it was that I wasn’t the only head involved in that process.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Who else feels like our weekends can be so full that you need the week to recover from them 😁, but so often they are just as full.

Sometimes it can feel like we're on a spinning hamster wheel, going round and round and round with sometimes no pit stops. And in the spin, we can loose our why, our purpose, our focus, our passion. And find ourselves not even remembering what we're doing or why we started in the first place or even getting bitter about what we once loved.

Let's not let us get to this place of burn out (been on my way to this station many times). And instead MAKE TIME, CREATE SPACE, SCHEDULE REST, so that even in the midst of crazy busy, we're still enjoying life, pursuing our passion, and feeling energized by what we're doing instead of completely drained. Don't feel bad if this is where you're at, to be honest I'm on the edge here too. But as soon as you realize, you can make steps to change. Or get others to help. Sometimes you just need to completely stop, take time off, get refreshed, while other times you can keep going with smaller pit stops. You know what you need. But listen to that louder than all the demands on your life.

So even if you're completely flat out this weekend, carve out even just a little (few mins if that's all you have) of time to be refreshed, do what you love, reflect and remember your purpose/passion/why you're doing what you're doing.

You're doing amazingly. And as we go, let's look for the beauty in everything around us to light up this crazy journey - stop and smell the flowers.

So what have you got on this weekend? x

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Something I need to constantly remind myself. Yes taking time to rest is best for you and everyone around you. Take time to breathe, to be refreshed, to reflect, to regain your strength, to fill your tank, to be inspired, to do what you love... to be refilled so you can overflow into the lives of others.

But you can't give out what you don't have. And you can't flow when you've run dry. If you're feeling empty or running on reserves, make time to fill up, to rest and restore. It's not selfish, it's the best thing you can do right now for all, including you.

Give yourself and others permission to rest. How do you find rest best? x

28 Aug 2016.PNG

Some Things To Do When You're Feeling Blue

Sometimes I'll wake up and just feel flat. Sometimes I'll get home after a great day and for no particular reason I feel down, without anything bad happening. Sometimes I feel sad because of certain events.
Emotions can come and go as quickly as a sneeze. There's nothing wrong with feeling. In fact, it's a good thing. But sometimes we feel stuck in that emotion, like we can't climb out. We need perspective. We need to acknowledge the feeling, the pain, the circumstance, find healing and move through that emotion.
These are just a few things we can do when feeling blue. Sometimes we just need a change of scene or shift our mind to something else or remember all the good.
However if you're continuing struggling, and nothing seems to work, please talk to a trusted person and seek help to work through the root of these feelings. You are not alone and there are many people out there that want to be a part of your journey. We all need help in life. It's normal.
What are some of the things you do when feeling blue? x

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Just Breathe

Breathe, just breathe. Starting another week can be tough for some of us, feeling already so exhausted and even overwhelmed before we've even started. But remember, you made it through last week, and the week before, and the week before that. And you'll make it through this week too.
Let's reframe our perspective and focus, so we don't keep dwelling on the challenges but feel energized and inspired.
Here's a few things we can do, we'll be doing them with you:
• write down everything that's on your mind - all your to dos, your concerns, thoughts etc. Get them out of your mind and onto paper, where you can start to sort through them and find solutions, let go of things you can't change and do the things you can.
• prioritize - what are the top 3 things you need to get done today
• remind yourself and celebrate your wins - write down 3 things you've overcome or achieved last week - can be big or small... Like finished or started something, got through something, learnt something etc. • write down 3 different things you're thankful for everyday - really boosts your perspective
• do something you love everyday - even if it's just for 5 mins. Something that brings you joy and satisfaction, something you're passionate about, something for you
• keep your focus on your WHY not the challenge or task. When you start to feel overwhelmed, it's usually because you are so focused on the task or challenges. Step back, look up and remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing, the passion, the meaning, the value behind it. Focus on that - let that be the motivator. You can even put it up somewhere you can see it regularly - words, statement, pictures, whatever inspires you and reminds you of your why.
• remind yourself of your worth and value. Your words create reality. So speak words of life over you and those around you. Repeat: I AM WORTHY. I BELONG. I AM STRONG. I AM... You fill in the blank. Remind yourself and continually repeat until you believe and live out what you're saying.
Breathe. You've got this. It's a brand new day and you are more than capable.
Share where you're at, how some of these points went, what are your tips to start the week x

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You Are Not Alone

Been there for sure and actually feeling it right now... For no particular reason, I've just been feeling flat lately. Maybe because I've been sick for weeks. Maybe because sometimes progress is just really slow. Maybe because I've been waiting for some really big provisions and dreams that haven't happened yet. Maybe because I'm really exhausted. Maybe because I haven't made time to get out in nature. Maybe because some of my friends are facing huge challenges and I can't fix it for them. Maybe because I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe because everything feels cluttered. Maybe because this journey can be lonely at times. Maybe because of some disappointments. Maybe because of all these things together. Or maybe because it's just one of those days.

I'm not sure where you're at, but lovely one, know that wherever you're at right now is ok and you are not alone. We all struggle, we all face challenges and change. We all have emotions and feelings and thoughts and don't always know how to cope with them.
And even if we do, we don't always do what we know is best for us - yep me.
So let me encourage you in my struggle... No matter what you're facing or feeling, you are not alone. And this won't last forever. You CAN get through this. And we're standing with you.

Do something that will bring you rest, refresh you, put a smile on your face, re-energize you. When we are just focusing on the struggle, that's all we'll experience. So try and lift your gaze to search for all the blessings around you, be thankful, give to others, encourage someone else, remember the purpose, do things you love.
For me, I'm thinking a hot bubble bath, cooking delicious food, talk with a friend and get an early night. And I really need to clean haha.
We need to be kind to ourselves, especially when things are hard. What can you do to take care of yourself today? What is something you love doing? What is one practical thing you can do to take action in your struggle? What is something you are thankful for? Take time out for you x

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See Your Worth

"On the days you compare yourself to someone else. On the days you burst into tears several times because you are unhappy with your reflection in the mirror. On the days you wonder what is your purpose and on the days when someone isn't kind to you. On these days you need to remember that who you are comparing yourself to is making comparisons to someone else. On these days you need to remind yourself we all have these days. On these days you need to give yourself a break. On these days you need to know just how worthy you are and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.” Love this from our sisters at @thegirlcampaign.

You are more than enough, just as you are.
If you need help seeing your own worth, you’re in good company and we’re here to journey with you through the process. Not an overnight pill, but daily choices to believe the truth about who you really are. You are worthy. We’re all in it together x

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Do Something You Love

Take time out to be refreshed today. Do something you LOVE - even if only for a few minutes.
You are worth it.

Not only will it benefit you, but it will benefit those around you.
When you are filled, you are better able to invest and overflow in others. Instead of overflowing stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, frustration, anxiety etc... You can stop and breathe and switch streams, so that you can overflow peace, joy, generosity, kindness, encouragement, hope... So really giving yourself time to be refreshed can really be a selfless act and better for everyone.
You're worth it. They're worth it x

What do you love? What makes you feel refreshed? What gives you energy? What helps bring release? What fills you with joy? What helps you rest. Do more of these things x

Image 📷 Kelsey Olivia

14 May 2016.PNG

Treat Yourself

Yes you! Just because you matter too. Here are a few DIY Home Spa Treatments. Get ready for fun and relaxation.

Take some time to just be. Either create space for just you to breathe, or invite some friends over to share together... Whatever way you best feel energized.

Just do something for you today - it's not selfish, it's actually helping the people around you. When you are feeling more whole, you'll be able to be more there for them.

So invest in them by investing in you. And enjoy!!!

DIY Home Spa Treatments (base recipe):

- relaxing bath = rosewater + coconut milk

- skin moisturizer = honey + olive oil

- facial / body scrub = honey + brown sugar

- lip scrub = un-petroleum jelly + raw sugar

Add any herbs, spices, citrus, tropical fruits, essential oils, chocolate you want. Create creative with your add-ons... Or follow full recipes to suit your style.

More recipes and links on our Facebook page.

Hope you have some time to refresh today x

2 April 2016.PNG

Love is an Action

Yes, you. Love is action. Self-love is not how you feel about yourself. It’s what you do for yourself. You can only fully love yourself by DOING, not by just simply thinking.

Loving and accepting yourself is a journey and a daily choice, followed by daily actions.
It's not always easy, and we certainly don't always "feel" like loving and accepting ourselves... Especially when our reflection disappoints us, or we don't do well in an exam or let our friends down, get ourselves into a dangerous situation, or fall short of our goal, don't get that job we wanted, break up, mess up, stuff up, feel guilt and shame... It can be hard to "feel" love and acceptance in these moments/seasons.
But loving and accepting ourselves is more than a feeling, it's an action - even when we don't necessarily feel it.
It's about making DAILY CHOICES to love and accept yourself.

Choosing daily to nurture your health - eating well, sleeping, exercising, resting.

Choosing daily to refill and refresh - doing something that energizes you, that gives you joy and peace, time out, time to relax, rejuvenate.
Choosing daily to grow your mind - learn, discover, try something new, practice mindfulness, create solutions.
Choosing daily to be kind to yourself - forgive yourself, allow yourself to learn from mistakes, to take positive risks, to stop, to enjoy good things.

Choosing daily to allow your REAL self to be seen, being honest with where you're at, letting others in, expressing your passions, interests, opinions, talents, skills, loves. -

What can you DO today to show yourself love and acceptance? -

Start wherever you're at. Even one small action. You, just as much as anyone in the entire universe deserves your love and affection.
The more actions you take towards loving and accepting yourself >> the easier it gets >> you start to break down mindset barriers >> you start to FEEL loved and accepted >> life seems lighter >> you're able to better love and accept others... Let's take this journey together.

Let's share and encourage each other x

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