
Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Things happen. People do and say things. Everyday we are faced with things out of our control. But if we live our lives like a little sail boat crashed by every wave that comes past, pushed by the winds around us, we’ll end up far away from where we set out and feeling like we’re constantly drowning.

Dear Stress, Let's Break Up

Dear Stress, Let's Break Up

It’s time! It’s over. You don’t serve me well. Take a deep breath and say goodbye. I think sometimes we feed on stress, on drama, on busyness, thinking it’s helping us, pushing us forward, entertaining us, that it’s a great relationship. But then before we even realize, it’s sucking us dry.

Spring Clean / Life Audit

Spring Clean / Life Audit

Haha, the struggle is real. But just like finding lost favourite bags and brand new tees we forgot about and all sorts of treasures amongst the trash... Our lives can be full of so many blessings and treasures, but sometimes are covered up in the mess. In the busyness of life, the stresses, the challenges, the heartbreaks, the ordinary.

Letting Go Of 'Should Be'

Letting Go Of 'Should Be'

We all get trapped in "shoulds", "woulds", "what ifs"... but you don't have to be anything other than who you really are. I know I did this - I would try and change myself to what I thought others wanted, to fit in. Letting go of who I was to be like everyone else. But it was confusing, lonely, empty. I didn't feel accepted because I didn't accept myself.