“As someone who’s dealt with anxiety, pre coronavirus, I’ve noticed that my anxiety has gone through the roof with the all overwhelming, and fear based content coming out regarding the virus. It feels much harder for me to control while being surrounded by so much panic and fear.
It got me thinking about people with anxiety, how are you going during this time?
Who are you looking to for a voice of reason?
Scientists have said that every thought that enters the mind eventually finds a place in the body where it bears the burden. Your mindset during this crisis is everything. Your perspective is the most powerful thing you can control in a situation that is beyond your control. Fear and stress can compromise our immune system and make us even more vulnerable to the virus. So in addition to washing our hands, we need to cleanse our minds of catastrophic thinking.
At uni we’ve been looking at mindfulness, and staying grounded. I’ve found staying in the present is very helpful. “Right now, I have a roof over my head. Right now, everyone’s happy and healthy.” It’s not until I start thinking about what COULD happen is where my anxiety creeps in. And that’s when panic begins... which is why we have empty shelves, and people being stabbed in supermarkets.
It also helps to keep focusing on some positive news. The hectic pace of the world has slowed, we’re spending more time with our family’s, air is getting cleaner with less pollutants. I saw pictures of the canals in Italy, the water is crystal clear. It’s nice to see a little positivity coming out of this.”
So good Em! 🙌🏻 Choose your perspective. Focus on the present, right here, right now. Find the good. And if you’re struggling, reach out, you’re not alone.
💜Ruth x
📸 @helloemilie