Brave + Courageous

It is not the Critic who Counts

It is not the Critic who Counts

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the one who is actually IN THE ARENA, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly;

Being Yourself

Now that’s true beauty and that’s what the world needs – more of YOU! 🙌🏻 Be Brave. Be YOU. Be Free. Just be yourself – that is the most beautiful version you can be. ⠀

Start today with a fresh goal - today, I will be my self. In this moment, I will be myself - not what I think others want, but who I really am. ⠀

Daily steps of courage. Don't so be hard on yourself when you don't get it right. Learn. Grow. Keep stepping forward. This is a journey and a process.⠀

👉🏻 What is one thing you can do today, to be more true to yourself? ⠀

🙌🏻 Who could you encourage and celebrate their unique beauty? Be a part of their story to embracing who they really are. ⠀

💜Ruth x⠀

25 May 2018.PNG

It's Better to be Yourself

When I was in high school, I allowed people and experiences and perceptions to define me. To tell me if I was good enough - which I didn't hear. To give me worth and value - which I didn't feel.

I didn't know who I really was, so tried to mould myself to be accepted, to fit in, to be like those around me. But I was left feeling empty, confused and alone.

This was not who I was, this was not who I wanted to be. I was loosing my true self in an attempt to fit in to those around me. Trying to figure out being me but feeling less-than, not knowing my true worth and value and letting others blind me from it.

This was one of the most challenging times in my life. But what was at the core was not accepting my value and worth. Not embracing and celebrating my own identity - whether it "fit" into others or not. Not knowing that I defined me, no one else. Not giving myself grace as I figure it all out.

If I could give my younger self some advice, I'd say, sweet girl, you don't need to be like anyone else. You are unique. You have qualities that no one else has. Find people who you admire and share your values. Don't let the words and actions of others define you - it is all coming from their own insecurities. Keep being kind to everyone. Be kind to yourself. Be for others who you wish other people would be for you (treat them how you'd want to be treated). Don't compare! And know that no matter what, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as you are.

- Are you finding you are loosing yourself to "fit in" with others? o
- What advice would you share with a friend? What advice would you tell your younger self? o
- Do your friends allow and encourage you to be yourself? Do you encourage your friends to be themselves? o

Sweet girl, we need you to be you! There's no one else that can "fit in" to that amazing role. Only you. 💜Ruth x

30 Nov 2016.PNG

Believe In You

We believe in YOU! But do you? Oh girl, I've been there. Thinking I didn't have what it takes, I wasn't enough, I've stuffed up too many times, I don't have what she has, I don't look like her, I've never done that before, I'm not worth it, no one sees me, what have I got to offer... But what we believe about ourselves is vitally important. It will either limit us or empower us.

What are you believing about yourself? What lies have you believed? Let's exchange and replace them with the truth of who you really are. You are valuable, you are worthy, you are strong, you are courageous, you are significant, you are loved, you are capable, you belong... Here's just a few truths about you to get you started.

How is it that we can so often see the worth and significance of those around us, but are blinded to what's in us.
Let's walk into this week knowing who we truly are.

What believes do you need to let go of? What believes do you need to reaffirm?

So grateful to share this journey together x

1 Nov 2016.PNG

You're a Limited Edition

“I was a little over two when I realized that beauty mattered, way too young for a little girl to discover whether she was beautiful or not. I loved watching and participating in fashion shows at an early age and I loved watching beauty pageants. I was a little girl who loved anything to do with pretty dresses, high heels, and sparkles. This girly love wasn’t all together a bad thing, until I let it define and take over me. However, once my quest for beauty began is when I lost it all.

Mirrors tortured and taunted me, no matter what anyone else said. Every time I heard the words, “You’re beautiful.” it was all I could do not to laugh, because there was no way I could have believed it.

The mirror is where I found my truth. If the mirror said I looked good (which it rarely did) than the day would go well and if the mirror showed that one hair was out of place than game over. For me, overcoming my beauty issues had a whole heck of a lot to do with me not seeing myself as beautiful. They were all lies and I know that now but it can still be difficult. It didn’t just happen overnight and it certainly didn’t happen without a whole lot of work. As a woman, I think I can safely say that I believe all women struggle with the idea of beauty and feeling beautiful. We live in a society that is rampant with ideas of beauty, false, unattainable, unrealistic standards of beauty. It wasn’t until I finally realized and accepted that beauty wasn’t in a made up face, it wasn’t in high fashioned clothes, it wasn’t in a size zero, that it began to sink in.

What I realized was that no one could be beautiful like me and no one could be beautiful like you, because we are one of a kind, limited additions. My friend there is no one in the world just like you and that is more beautiful than you will ever know.” Beautiful words and heart from MK

25 Oct 2016.PNG

Excuses or Discipline

We can make an excuse for everything. But do we want our lives to be a series of excuses or of actions, exciting experiences, growth, goals achieved, habits changed, adventures, living life to the full? You are strong. Your excuses can be strong too. But you get to choose who wins.

Recently I heard a definition of DISCIPLINE that really helped >> Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST.

The short-term pay off OR the long-term prize.

The short-term pay off (instant pleasure / desire, temporary comfort, wants etc) OR the long-term prize (lasting change, deeper desire, growth, maturity, lasting pleasure, joy, peace, health etc). xo
We get to choose the pain. The pain of discipline now or the pain of excuses, consequences and regret later. We get to choose which pain we embrace

Yes it can be painful to not give in to excuses - it's tough! It can feel more comfortable, easy and safe to make excuses. But stepping out, being disciplined, taking risks, making changes may feel painful/challenging to start but well worth it.

So lovely friend, what will you CHOOSE? We're standing with you and cheering you on. We've all got excuses and things we need to be disciplined in. Let's do this together.

What excuses do you hear yourself repeating? What excuses do you want to let go of? What do you need to be disciplined in? You are strong enough. You are not alone x
💜Ruth x

17 Oct 2016.PNG

Note to Self: I CAN

Oh yes you can girl! Don't let "I can't!" be a part of your vocabulary. You can do so much more than you know. Give things a go, take risks, learn from mistakes, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help, try again, keep going, get help... A lot of the time we can't do things straight away, and that's normal. But the more we practice, the more we keep going, eventually we look back and say, "wow, I thought this was too hard at the time, but I did it!!!" x

- What's something you can look back on and say, "I did it!"? We'd love to celebrate with you
- What's something you regularly find yourself saying "I can't!" about? Let's get clear about what these are so we can look out for them next time and snip off that T >> I CAN!

We believe in you x
💜Ruth + ChooseREAL Team x

29 Sept 2016.PNG

Just Keep Swimming

For those days when the waves just keep coming, when your energy is low and your emotions are high, when you feel like you're sinking or wading through shallows... Advice from our fishy friend Dory - "🎶just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming🎶". One swish at a time. You'll get there lovely.

And remember, not matter how deep in the depths of the waters you feel, the surface is always above you - that doesn't change - there is always a way up and out. It can take some time to reach the surface, but it's there, don't loose hope sweet one. And as Dori did, you meet some pretty interesting characters along the way if you look out for them. Even in those darkest caves, they still found light and something to be encouraged by - look for your light moments too and just keep swimming. We're swimming with you x

14 Sept 2016.PNG

Your Passions

Working in schools, I met with Erin, a year 6 girl who told me the popular girls told her she had to change her hair, her clothes AND her personality if she wanted to fit in. This broke my heart, she had no idea how valuable she was and was willing to trade in her REAL identity for what she thought she HAD to be. The saddest part was that she thought this was the only answer. She was about to become a clone to please others, throwing away her own interests, values, talents, goals and dreams.

Unfortunately, this is not a rare story. But this story, fired me up. That is ENOUGH! Our girls have to know their worth and value – not based on how others see them, their past, or what the media says, but because they have always been MORE THAN ENOUGH.

This is how ChooseREAL Campaign was born. I wanted to create a platform to bring freedom around the onslaught of debilitating messages of NOT ENOUGH! Encouraging girls and women to embrace and celebrate their REAL identity and value, and live the life they CHOOSE. Living out the truth that no mater what, we are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as we are.

I am so privilege to share this journey with you as we create a shift in our culture of true acceptance (of ourselves and each other). We love the empowering community we are all creating. Thank you for what you bring.
What fires you up? What are you passionate about? x

9 Aug 2016.PNG

Your Story Is Worth Sharing Now

I've had so many people say, "I'll share my story when I get through this" or "when I fix that" or "when things change". But your story is ever-evolving.
Wherever you're at, NOW is the time to share your story. Crumpled pages and all.
Don't be afraid to reveal what connects us together - the real moments in life. The good, the bad, the rough, the smooth, the process. Don't hide what you're really facing from those who care.
Who can you share what's happening in this chapter of your story - sharing it helps you own it and create the themes and headings that empower you. We're all in this together.
Your story is not finished. And we can't wait to share together in the pages.

2 Aug 2016.PNG

Just Breathe

Breathe, just breathe. Starting another week can be tough for some of us, feeling already so exhausted and even overwhelmed before we've even started. But remember, you made it through last week, and the week before, and the week before that. And you'll make it through this week too.
Let's reframe our perspective and focus, so we don't keep dwelling on the challenges but feel energized and inspired.
Here's a few things we can do, we'll be doing them with you:
• write down everything that's on your mind - all your to dos, your concerns, thoughts etc. Get them out of your mind and onto paper, where you can start to sort through them and find solutions, let go of things you can't change and do the things you can.
• prioritize - what are the top 3 things you need to get done today
• remind yourself and celebrate your wins - write down 3 things you've overcome or achieved last week - can be big or small... Like finished or started something, got through something, learnt something etc. • write down 3 different things you're thankful for everyday - really boosts your perspective
• do something you love everyday - even if it's just for 5 mins. Something that brings you joy and satisfaction, something you're passionate about, something for you
• keep your focus on your WHY not the challenge or task. When you start to feel overwhelmed, it's usually because you are so focused on the task or challenges. Step back, look up and remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing, the passion, the meaning, the value behind it. Focus on that - let that be the motivator. You can even put it up somewhere you can see it regularly - words, statement, pictures, whatever inspires you and reminds you of your why.
• remind yourself of your worth and value. Your words create reality. So speak words of life over you and those around you. Repeat: I AM WORTHY. I BELONG. I AM STRONG. I AM... You fill in the blank. Remind yourself and continually repeat until you believe and live out what you're saying.
Breathe. You've got this. It's a brand new day and you are more than capable.
Share where you're at, how some of these points went, what are your tips to start the week x

1 Aug 2016.PNG

You Are Not Alone

Been there for sure and actually feeling it right now... For no particular reason, I've just been feeling flat lately. Maybe because I've been sick for weeks. Maybe because sometimes progress is just really slow. Maybe because I've been waiting for some really big provisions and dreams that haven't happened yet. Maybe because I'm really exhausted. Maybe because I haven't made time to get out in nature. Maybe because some of my friends are facing huge challenges and I can't fix it for them. Maybe because I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe because everything feels cluttered. Maybe because this journey can be lonely at times. Maybe because of some disappointments. Maybe because of all these things together. Or maybe because it's just one of those days.

I'm not sure where you're at, but lovely one, know that wherever you're at right now is ok and you are not alone. We all struggle, we all face challenges and change. We all have emotions and feelings and thoughts and don't always know how to cope with them.
And even if we do, we don't always do what we know is best for us - yep me.
So let me encourage you in my struggle... No matter what you're facing or feeling, you are not alone. And this won't last forever. You CAN get through this. And we're standing with you.

Do something that will bring you rest, refresh you, put a smile on your face, re-energize you. When we are just focusing on the struggle, that's all we'll experience. So try and lift your gaze to search for all the blessings around you, be thankful, give to others, encourage someone else, remember the purpose, do things you love.
For me, I'm thinking a hot bubble bath, cooking delicious food, talk with a friend and get an early night. And I really need to clean haha.
We need to be kind to ourselves, especially when things are hard. What can you do to take care of yourself today? What is something you love doing? What is one practical thing you can do to take action in your struggle? What is something you are thankful for? Take time out for you x

28 July 2016.PNG

How Are You Seeing Yourself

Don't let the opinions of others define you darling. They are opinions, ideas and judgements, not facts, not truth.
Is it even our business what they think? That's just their personal view. And we all have a million opinions about everything - so many uninformed.
We can never control how others see us but we can choose how we see ourselves.

So let's focus on what we can control and see ourselves as the beautifully amazing human beings we are, with so much to offer those around us and so much potential within us.
Make the switch. Who's opinions do you need to stop worrying about? It's not your business what they think anyways, it's just thoughts.
And how are you seeing yourself? What's one thing you admire about yourself? Embrace it lovely x

19 July 2016.PNG

Fresh Start

New day. New week. Fresh start. Let go of whatever you didn't do last week or wish you hadn't done. That is the past. It's behind you. Walk into this week with a fresh attitude, a clean slate. Don't bring the disappointment with you. Acknowledge it, but now you have the chance to let it go and start over.
Don't start the week already thinking you're failing before you even give yourself the chance to make it. You are not a failure.
So let's dive into this week, forgiving ourselves for whatever we're holding onto, letting it go and really giving ourselves our best chance to flourish this week... It's all in the attitude. Be your own cheer squad. Be kind to yourself and celebrate each step. You've got this. And we're standing with you x

18 July 2016.PNG

Own Your Worth

Approve of yourself. Accept yourself. Own your worth. Practice daily and you'll gradually come to realize that you never needed approval from anyone else to feel whole and happy. Only from yourself.
How would letting go of your concern of what others think free you to express yourself more authentically? What would you do differently if you didn't care what others may say or think?
Love this quote from our amazing advocate @margiewarrell in her new book BRAVE.

6 June 2016.PNG

Choosing to be Thankful

You get to choose what you get out of every situation and how you react.
Choose what empowers you. There's always something to be thankful for - and searching for it literally changes your outlook and brain structure for the better.
When things are good - celebrate and savour the moments.

When things are hard, challenging and unknown - know you are more than enough, be on the lookout for the everyday blessings, and grow through the experience.
You get to be in charge of your reaction and journey through this situation... Try not to let the situation rule you. You choose.
Being thankful is a great step towards you owning the situation. If you can change something to make things better, do that. If you can't, accept it for what it is (not the stories we create around things, but the facts) and learn as you go.
Where are you at right now? Sweet or bitter? What could you be thankful for? How can you celebrate or grow? x
No matter what, you are more than enough. We believe in you x

7 April 2016.PNG

I Am....

Fill in the blank. "The words "I am" are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you" - A.L. Kitselman

So claim your worth. Claim your REAL identity. Claim your purpose and potential. Claim your strength. Claim your dreams. Claim your progress. You are more than enough, just as you are.

Words are powerful. Comment "I'm [your name] and I'm more than enough" below. There is so much power is acknowledging your own worth and accepting yourself first. So let's be courageous together. You are amongst a squad cheering you on.
Who you can you P A S S I O N to? Tag them, share/repost, encourage those around you to claim their worth too?
Let's create a ripple effect together, changing our culture to one of COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE - of ourselves and others.
Yes we can. But it all starts with you first! x

10 March 2016.PNG

Our Influence

Loved being amongst thousands of young leaders discovering what it means to MASTER THE LITTLE at the National Young Leaders Day thanks to @halogenaus

Everyone is a leader and influences those around them. Will we influence for the better?

It's all about mastering the little. Small steps, day by day. Practice. Again and again. Things don't usually happen overnight, but overtime.

Little things add up to create BIG things.
Some top tips from the day to master the little: Start where you are. Just choose one little thing to move one step closer to your goal... Not 100 leaps. But one first step. Then another.

Its about daily, consistent choices and actions.

Stay the course. It can get tough, but keep going. Each step counts.

Your daily choices matter.

Be known for integrity - honest and trustworthy character, doing what you say, saying what you mean, doing the right thing.

Know that you are more than you think you are - sometimes we limit ourselves because of how we see or think about ourselves. There's so much more potential and ability in all of us. Sometimes it has to be awakened... Usually discovered in challenges or through continual practice.

Stay brave. Keep trying. Don't give up. Fall down and get back up.

Believe in yourself - you've got this.

What little thing are you wanting to master at the moment? What's your next little step?

1 March 2016.PNG

What are You Speaking Over Your Life

"Let's speak to ourselves the way we speak to our loved ones" - Brene Brown. What words are you speaking over your life and others? Are you building up or tearing down? Are you imparting confidence or stealing it? Are you speaking truth or lies? Are you helping or hindering? Are you rejoicing or rejecting? Are you encouraging or criticizing? Are you speaking life or death/destruction? x

Your words and thoughts have such power. Let's make a conscious effort to speak worth, value, strength, understanding, kindness, encouragement, hope over our own lives and those around us.
What we say to ourselves affects how we connect with others, and what we say to others affects how we relate to ourselves.
So let's use our words to empower ourselves and those around us.
Repeat with us:

I am / you are loved and valued.

I am / you are wanted and belong.

I am / you are strong.

I am / you are capable of amazing things - and capable to face the little constant things too.
I have / you have infinite worth.

I am / you are smart and able to make decisions that empower me.
I am / you are brave.
I have / you have purpose.
I am / you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Everyday as you will be rewiring your thought patterns / brain.
You can also write your own list! Share with us to encourage others and take a stand for yourself. We are standing with you x

18 Dec 2015.PNG