What Will You Choose to Focus On

"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you." Ralph Marston

You choose how you see your circumstances. You choose how you're going to react. You choose what you're going to focus on. You choose what/who you're going to listen to. You choose what you're going to give back. You choose who you're going to be. You choose what legacy you're going to leave. You choose how you treat yourself. You to turn challenges into opportunities. You choose your actions. You choose what you whisper to yourself. You choose how you'll approach this day. You choose your perspective. You choose your attitude. You have choice. You have the power. You choose.
SO what are you going to choose today?
Say it aloud!! Choose what empowers you. It's ok, sometimes we get it wrong. BUT we get to make another choice. So try again. Don't give up. You choose x

p.s. LOVE this photo from behind the scenes at our tee photoshoot. When girls just wanna have fun! Love the freedom and joy in their faces. It's a choice. They could have sat around bored and waiting for the time to pass in between, but instead searched out fun, found this random trolley and had "one of the best days ever". You can create anything in any circumstance... It starts with a choice x

15 March 2016.PNG