I Am....

Fill in the blank. "The words "I am" are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you" - A.L. Kitselman

So claim your worth. Claim your REAL identity. Claim your purpose and potential. Claim your strength. Claim your dreams. Claim your progress. You are more than enough, just as you are.

Words are powerful. Comment "I'm [your name] and I'm more than enough" below. There is so much power is acknowledging your own worth and accepting yourself first. So let's be courageous together. You are amongst a squad cheering you on.
Who you can you P A S S I O N to? Tag them, share/repost, encourage those around you to claim their worth too?
Let's create a ripple effect together, changing our culture to one of COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE - of ourselves and others.
Yes we can. But it all starts with you first! x

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