Choosing to be Thankful

You get to choose what you get out of every situation and how you react.
Choose what empowers you. There's always something to be thankful for - and searching for it literally changes your outlook and brain structure for the better.
When things are good - celebrate and savour the moments.

When things are hard, challenging and unknown - know you are more than enough, be on the lookout for the everyday blessings, and grow through the experience.
You get to be in charge of your reaction and journey through this situation... Try not to let the situation rule you. You choose.
Being thankful is a great step towards you owning the situation. If you can change something to make things better, do that. If you can't, accept it for what it is (not the stories we create around things, but the facts) and learn as you go.
Where are you at right now? Sweet or bitter? What could you be thankful for? How can you celebrate or grow? x
No matter what, you are more than enough. We believe in you x

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