Some Things To Do When You're Feeling Blue

Sometimes I'll wake up and just feel flat. Sometimes I'll get home after a great day and for no particular reason I feel down, without anything bad happening. Sometimes I feel sad because of certain events.
Emotions can come and go as quickly as a sneeze. There's nothing wrong with feeling. In fact, it's a good thing. But sometimes we feel stuck in that emotion, like we can't climb out. We need perspective. We need to acknowledge the feeling, the pain, the circumstance, find healing and move through that emotion.
These are just a few things we can do when feeling blue. Sometimes we just need a change of scene or shift our mind to something else or remember all the good.
However if you're continuing struggling, and nothing seems to work, please talk to a trusted person and seek help to work through the root of these feelings. You are not alone and there are many people out there that want to be a part of your journey. We all need help in life. It's normal.
What are some of the things you do when feeling blue? x

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