Did you know that the cactus "stores water to use it later". So when things are hard and dry, they have what they need to keep them going.
Let's do the same! Store truth about who we really are, so when the pressures feel overwhelming or the storms seem to be raging around us, or we feel empty and the tears don't stop flooding... We have truth planted for us to feed on, to nourish us, and remind us of who we really are, no matter what circumstances may say.
So what truth do you need to store? You are strong, courageous and capable of amazing things, you are stronger than you think, your value can never be taken away, you are beautiful, you are kind, this won't last forever, you are more than enough, just as you are.
Write truth down, read it every morning, draw it, sing it, whatever works for you to plant it in your mind and heart. Store it for when you need it. And girl, we ALL need it, we all struggle sometimes x
💜Ruth x
🙌🏻👊🏻Shout out to a few of the amazing gals we see storing truth about who they really are and empowering others xx