You're Stronger Than You Think

I will be OK. I will be OK.
Even before everything falls into place 🌻
- @morganharpernichols

You are strong, brave and courageous.

- Every time you get back up.
- Every time you take one small step.
- Every time you invite someone in.
- Every time you try again.
- Every time you ask for help.
- Every time you are kind to yourself and others.
- Every time you continue on.

You are here for a purpose.
This won’t last forever. This season will pass.
You matter. Yes YOU.

Soon you will look back at this time and it will have all made sense. There will be purpose in this pain. There will be a story to tell. One that will change lives because you kept going.

Standing with you in the struggle lovely.
You’re stronger than you think.

🙋‍♀️ Who needs to hear this message?
👉🏻 Who can you encourage?

Let’s be those who sit with those in their struggle. They will not be alone.

💜Ruth x

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