I moved a couple months ago and thought everything would change... but you know what, I CAME TOO 😂...
I brought with me all those same struggles, habits, feelings, hurts, dreams, disappointments etc.
It’s funny to think that wherever we go, we bring all our “stuff” with us.
Ever thought, “why does this keep happening to ME!?!”
We don’t just drop our 👜 baggage off at the door never to see it again.
It comes with us.
We can’t run away from ourselves.
But we can go through our baggage, one bag at a time and get freedom.
We need an internal shift.
We need to dig deep and pull out rotting roots that have been slowly poisoning the rest of our lives.
And most of the time, that’s too hard to do on our own.
We need a friend, a guide, a baggage handler to help sort through the trash from the treasure.
Who in your world can you talk to to help wade through your internal struggles?
We all struggle lovely. We all need help sometimes.
We all need to go through 👜 baggage checks to see if any destructive items have slipped into our daily lives without realizing.
🙋♀️ I’m doing some baggage checking right now - going to a physiologist to help deal with fatigue and all the baggage it’s bringing or opening up.
👉🏻 Do you feel like you need a baggage check right now? Who could you talk to?
👉🏻 Or have you recently had a baggage check? How can you empower others with what you’ve discovered? Who could you help unpack their baggage?
✨ We constantly need some internal spring cleaning.
Be kind to yourself as in the process. We all have baggage x
📸 @helloemilie