Knowing Who We Are

In a world that has has endless choices and options, it can become overwhelming and we can find ourselves saying "I don't even know what I want?!"

To really know what we want we have to know who we are first.
Because what we truly want or need is in line with who we are.

Take time to get to know what's important to you, what you love, what you enjoy, what your passions are and who the REAL you is.

Then you will be able to approach decisions with clarity, confidence and peace. Peace - it's truly what we want.

It can take time to discover who you really are and that’s ok! Every lesson along the way is part of the journey.

👉🏻 Write down 10 facts about you - could be things you love, your values, hobbies, characteristics, skills, dreams, or just 10 random facts. If you get on a roll, keep going. Was there anything that came up that want to explore further?

💜Ruth x

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