Inner Peace

Things happen. People do and say things. Everyday we are faced with things out of our control.

But if we live our lives like a little sail boat crashed by every wave that comes past, pushed by the winds around us, we’ll end up far away from where we set out and feeling like we’re constantly drowning.

Let’s not let others and our circumstances steal our inner peace.
Things are gonna happen to and around us.

But we get to choose if we get swept up by them. Or if we stand on solid ground, knowing as much as something might hurt, it’s not the end, it doesn’t define us.

Knowing our truth in the midst of a storm - letting that be what we stand on instead of swaying with every wind that blows past.

We get to choose what we allow to speak into us or not, what we allow to define us, control us, move us.
So what’s the truth that you can stand on in the midst of a storm or even a sun-shower?

Here’s a few:

✨ No matter what, I am more than enough, just as I am.
✨ I am strong and capable and courageous.
✨ This won’t last forever. I will get through this.
✨ My worth and value can never be taken away.
✨ I am loved. I belong.

👉🏻 What’s the truth you can stand on? Share with us.

I’ve struggled with this - feeling like life was just happening to me and I had no say.

But I get to choose how I react. I get to choose what I believe. I get to choose how I see something. I get to choose who I really am. I get to choose my next steps. I get to choose what meaning I give things. I get to choose to stand on truth not circumstances. I have choice.

👉🏻 What are you choosing today?

💜Ruth x

28 Aug 2018.PNG