I don’t normally post about these sorts of topics, but the other day I went to an event where the speaker shared Voltaire’s famous quote:
“I don't agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
The speaker continued,
“But today, it’s more like, ‘I don’t agree with what you say, so I will fight you to the death so you can no longer say it’”.
Can you notice the shift?
Somewhere along the line, some of us genuinely believe we have a right to belittle, lash out, or treat another disrespectfully because they don’t share the same thoughts.
Somewhere along the line people have started to think of themselves as ‘superior’ and of ‘more worth’ than others who share a different belief or opinion to them.
But here’s a gold mine: WE ARE ALL OF WORTH. Every human being regardless of belief, ideologies, habits, race, gender, or past, hold value, significance, and importance.
When we understand that others have just as much worth as we do, we can acknowledge their opinion, and move on to loving them for who they are: a living, breathing, human being just trying to live a life they love.
It’s probably about time we unite. Not because we agree, but because we all have the same level of importance.
Division brings more heartbreak, corruption, and turmoil than we can cope with. But unity brings peace, harmony, and community. And I think we could do with a lot of that right now!”
- powerful words from our friend @hellotyla 🙌🏻
👉🏻 How can you disagree AND value other people’s voice?