I am Perfectly Imperfect

Whenever I see myself in a photo, my instant reaction is usually what’s wrong with it 🤦‍♀️🙅‍♀️. It’s like we’ve been programmed by our culture to expect one skewed version of perfection, nothing less.

And when we don’t meet this unrealistic perception, we label ourselves worthless, feeling bad about ourselves and wishing we could change things.

You are not alone.
But I’m learning that this is who I am, perfectly imperfect.

What our culture may see as flaws, is the very things people tend to love. Like my toothy, crooked smile, bringing love and belonging to people.

🙋‍♀️ So when I see myself in photos, I am choosing to embrace myself as I am, but also know there is a beautiful soul behind that body.

There is sooo much more to me and you than our looks.

🙌🏻 What if we did that for everyone else too? Looked beyond what we see externally (looks, behaviours, masks), to see who they really are.

👉🏻 So, how do you look at and see yourself?

👉🏻 How do you look at and see others?

Let’s look 👀 deeper!

💜Ruth x

13 March 2019.PNG